Jayden Fink

About Me

Hello! My name is Jayden Fink, and I am a senior at Brown County High School. I enjoy volleyball, cheerleading, hunting, and going to youth groups in my free time. I plan to major in pre-law and minor in political science. After that I plan to attend law school and specialize in child services. I am super excited for what this year holds for CEO and hope to learn more financial skills and strengthen my personal qualities.

About My Business

Living Light is a faith-based apparel company to spread the light to all! My story behind startingLiving Light is a faith-based apparel company to spread the light to all! My story behind starting this business is that the world can always spread grace, love, and kindness. Through my designs I plan to have that message reach thousands.
this business is that the world can always spread grace, love, and kindness. Through my
designs I plan to have that message reach thousands






DISC Characteristics

  • Unless completely wrong, you prefer to support decisions made by others rather than argue or disagree.
  • You are sociable and outgoing with others.
  • You are a very good team player.
  • You really like to get things done correctly the first time.